12 Things That Can Improve Your Sleep Time

A good night’s sleep is as important to your body as exercise and maintaining a healthy diet. Research suggests that poor sleep habits can potentially affect your brain function negatively. The average adult needs at least 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night and children 10 hours to aid in their development. Now that you know how many hours of sleep is important, we will recommend some great tips on how to sleep better.

After a long day many opt to sleep as a form of rejuvenation. However, this doesn’t work for everyone, some may find themselves tossing all night with no rejuvenation at all. If you fit this description or you generally want a better nap time, check out these much-needed techniques to enjoy great sleep.

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Create A Peaceful Boudoir

The place you sleep the most should be a peaceful haven; the serene atmosphere promotes healthy sleep patterns. Living in high traffic areas can make resting difficult therefore creating a peaceful space will help. Try using ear plugs or white noise applications to drown out loud noises.

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Having The Perfect Temperature

Having the perfect temperature is important for sleeping quickly and well during the night. The recommended temperature should be between 16 and 18 degrees Celsius (60 to 65 degrees Fahrenheit). Consider installing a heating or cooling system as your room should not be too hot not too cold.

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Buy A Good Mattress And Pillows

It is recommended that your mattress be changed every 10 years and your pillows annually. Over time mattresses become less comfortable which interferes with your sleep quality, further to this your pillow should support your head, back and neck to ensure proper rest. If you can’t remember the last time you bought these, it’s probably time to change them. Remember to invest in a good night’s sleep

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Stick To A Routine

If you are an insomniac, having a routine at bedtime will help you to fall asleep faster. Showering at the same time daily and preparing for bed all around the same time helps your body to adjust to a bedtime routine. An overly strict routine is not necessary, simple things like locking the doors and turning the lights down may help.

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Do Not Go To Bed Too Early

If you go to bed way earlier hoping to sleep longer, you may end up tossing the entire night. Persons with insomnia adopt this practice and often fail because the body is not tired enough. Try going to bed when you start to feel sleepy, If that doesn’t work for you try an additional method mentioned below, drinking certain teas is recommended.

Credit: HealthLine.com

Mind Relaxation

Mind relaxation has been proven to help persons who are stressed and have difficulty falling asleep. Practicing these techniques in a reclined position helps to relax the body and calm the mind down. This is the perfect exercise for persons suffering from many sleep related issues, it only takes a few minutes.

Credit: LiveScience.com

Try Using Chamomile Or Lavender

Another great method for fighting sleep related problems comes in the form of chamomile and lavender. Both plants are known for their ability to relax the body and they smell great. Lavender works by lowering blood pressure, heart rate and body temperature, while chamomile is a great sedative with powerful anxiety relief. Boil a pot of lavender or chamomile to sip before bed, this will help with a good night’s rest.

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Avoid late exercise

Although working out late may see like a good idea, exercise increases your body temperature and heart rate immensely. If you suffer from insomnia, working out too close to bedtime will only leave you fighting to sleep. It is recommended that you workout in the morning or at least 3 hours before bedtime.

Credit: FootHillsTherapy.com

Position Plays A Big Part

Your position plays a major role in your sleep quality, being comfortable is very important for having good sleep. If you experience pain about the body, sleeping on the painless side or on your back is best. If you suffer from digestive issues, it is important that you sleep on your left side. It is also recommended that you seek the professional opinion of your health care provider.

Credit: NoOrdinaryHomestead.com

Avoid Certain Foods Before Bedtime

Healthcare professionals advise against eating too close to bedtime to avoid digestion complications. The types of foods remain a controversy, however, the recommended time is 3 hours before bedtime. Some foods stimulate and cause acid reflux when you lie down, these include chocolate, fatty and acid foods and alcoholic beverages.

Credit: AutoEvolution.com

Turn Off Devices Before Bed

We are all a little guilty of having our devices in bed, but this affects the quality of our sleep. If you have trouble sleeping, staying up on your smartphone is probably the reason you are up. To have an easier time sleeping, turn off all screens at one hour before bed. Some electronics emit blue light that affects your circadian rhythm, this blue light is still active after devices have been shut off, so cover devices or remove from the room.

Credit: AARP.org

Consult Your Healthcare Provider

If you are worried about your health or the impact your sleep problems are having on your day-to-day life, see your healthcare provider. Your doctor will diagnose or recommend helpful methods where necessary. If your sleep issues are stress related, your physician may suggest a psychologist or write a prescription.

If you find yourself tossing in bed for more than 20 minutes each night, unable to fall asleep or have a busy mind, try these recommendations to assist. Calming exercises like listening to music, yoga or a cup of tea may be useful to solving your sleep issues. Start your journey to having much needed rejuvenation. We all deserve a good night’s sleep, so consider these tips that could prove the difference in your life!

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